Basics of Law

The Mughal Period

The Judicial System in Medieval India: An Overview of The Mughal Period

Introduction: The Mughals principles of administration of Justice were mainly foreign and partly Indian. During the Mughal period (1526-1857) the Mughal emperor was considered the fountain of Justice. The emperor created a separate department of justice to regulate and see that justice was administered properly. Administrative divisions: The Mughal empire was divided into “Subah”. Which […]

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Legal History
The Sultanate Period

The Judicial System in Medieval India: An Overview of The Sultanate Period

Causes of the downfall of early Hindu kingdoms: Towards the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th century, began the downfall of the Hindu period. Local Hindu Rajas were attacked and defeated by foreign invaders of Turkish race. Gradually, old Hindu kingdoms began to disintegrate. The political history of this period is

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Legal History,
Judicial System in Ancient India

Judicial System in Ancient India

In ancient times, the judicial system was associated with religion and social norms. The King was the supreme head of the legislative, executive and judiciary. The three systems of substantive law were recognized by the court, the Darma-shastra, Artha-shastra, and custom which was called Sadachara or Charitra. The Artha shastra and Manusmriti were considered authoritative

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Legal History
Charter, 1774

Jurisdiction of Calcutta Supreme Court under Charter, 1774

Under section 13 of the regulating act 1773 George III issued a charter on 26 March, in 1774 which established the supreme court in Calcutta. (A) The supreme court would consist of chief justice and three puisne judges. Sir Eliza impey was first chief justice and Stephen c.le. Maistre, Robert chambers, Stephen John Hyde were

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Legal History
Judicial Precedent

আইনী নজীর (Judicial Precedent)

কোন মামলা নিষ্পত্তির ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণত  বিধিবদ্ধ আইন অনুসরণ  করা হয়। সুতরাং মামলা নিষ্পত্তির ক্ষেত্রে বিধিবদ্ধ আইনে (Statutory law) যে রকম বিধান আছে সেই সকল বিধান অনুসরণ  করে আদালত  উক্ত মামলা নিষ্পত্তি করবেন ও রায় দিবেন৷ কিন্তু  অনেক সময় আদালত   বিধিবদ্ধ আইন অনুসরণ করতে গিয়ে অনেক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয় কারণ সকল মামলার ফ্যাক্ট একই রকম হবে

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