Submission Guidelines

Call for Blog Submission:

We welcome blog submissions from all contributors, with the only requirement being that the content must relate to law, even if only remotely. Please note that we only accept original, unpublished blogs that meet these criteria for legal research based Articles.

Review Process:

We follow a blind review process for all submissions. We may ask the contributors to revise their blogs based on editorial feedback. However, editorial feedback does not guarantee publication. We reserve the sole discretion on the decision of a publication.


We encourage contributors to join our free membership program in our legal community. That can provide them with more valuable insights about legal research.

General Guidelines for Submissions:

To ensure the highest quality content, we have established the following guidelines:

  1. Word count: We prefer submissions between 500-1200 words. If your post exceeds this limit, please justify the length in your email. We only consider longer submissions in exceptional cases, based on merit and relevance.
  2. Clarity and precision: We emphasize the importance of clear, concise language, making our content accessible to a broad audience.
  3. Style guide: Please adhere to the University of Oxford Style Guide for formatting and stylistic matters.
  4. Citations: We recommend using in-text hyperlinks where possible. If hyperlinks are insufficient, please follow the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) for referencing.
  5. Assistance: If you are unfamiliar with these style guides, we can provide support to incorporate them into your submission.
  6. Professional standards: As with all professional writing, we expect contributors to refrain from ad hominem attacks and defamatory language.

Submission Process:

To submit a blog post, please send your article to with the following: 

  • Your photograph
  • A short bio

General Inquiries:

For any questions or concerns, please email

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